Powerfulviolence: Infest Live Review Infest/Iron Lung/Gehenna/Warcry/Gag at El Corazon — Saturday, March1st, 2014 by Jim Walkley At the outset, Don’t Be Swindle readers, I regret to inform you that vegetarian nachos are no longer being served at El Corazon. Sad but true! Instead, you may now choose between tater tots, a hot dog, a …

Archagathus / Nak’ay – split 10″
What was probably a few months ago now, I had the pleasure of seeing Nak’ay live. When I first heard them a few years ago (split with Unholy Grave) I didn’t know shit about them, other than that they came out of the ruins of Daisycutter. That particular split (the 5″ with Unholy Grave) is …

Gowl- Buzzbox EP
This record, fuck… is brilliant. Gowl manages to do so much with so little. The riffs, drumming, and song structures are primitive, yet unique. The tones and recording production are ugly. The lyrics are disguised in murk and sleaze. The whole ordeal is uncomfortable. The layout looks like it was rescued from the trash. There …

Here’s a preview of some of the records that I’m drooling over myself just thinking about. Some are out, and I don’t have a copy yet, and some have been announced as coming soon. 1. Suffering Mind self titled LP- I already heard the tracks, because Kuchar was nice enough to send me the mp3s …

Human Error / Black Hole of Calcutta split 7″
I received copies of this 7″ today for my distro, and I was curious to check out Human Error’s new stuff. I had heard a few songs quite some time ago, so I wanted to know if I would like them as much as I remembered, or more. What ended up happening, was that I …

Total Wreck – Demo 09
Total Wreck – Demo 09 CD-R http://www.myspace.com/totalwreckva Thrash punk that isn’t snotty, a nice change! Lyrics are very ryhme-y. Well recorded, I dig this a lot more than a lot of the throwback hardcore stuff that is out here, so check these dudes out! -willfastcore N.E.K. vs. Septix tape http://www.karasukiller.com NEK side starts out sounding …

Ablach – Aon CD
I had seen the name of this band around, and thought they’d be a lousy black metal band, but I’m really glad about how wrong I was. Ablach are not a shitty black metal band, but instead a fucking headcrushing mess of crust/grind/death from Scotland. This CD features 13 songs in 19 minutes, not somethign …

CD Reviews
Rabid Dogs – Italian Violence CD myspace.com/rabiddogsgrind This appears to be their debut album that they shipped me in a bubble mailer from Italy. It got cracked so I’m just going to listen to their Myspace songs because although the packing job was pretty losy, they took the time and money to send it all …

Cellgraft – Demo Cassette
Cellgraft are from Florida, and they play no-frills grindcore in the style of Assuck. This cassette has 13 tracks, never hitting the minute mark. The guitar sounds metallic and sharp, and if they have a bass player, I didn’t notice on the recording. The drumming is good, along with the drum production, which is usually …

Reviews – Tapes for now, CDs for later
Magnum Force – Demo ’09 tape Blastcat Records Mega blasty. Musically reminds me of MAGRUDERGRIND or IN DIGUST. Where has this band been hiding that I haven’t heard of them before? Tape is demo quality but very listenable. Six songs including a song called ‘Party Song’ which has no lyrics. The last song totally rips, …